School uniform
Our uniform consists of a green jumper or cardigan with the school logo please (see images above). When purchasing items with a logo, please ensure it matches the image below.
No logo required: white shirt / polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt / dress, green check summer dress as per photo above.
For P.E. children wear their PE kit to school on those days. Children need to wear black shorts (jogging bottoms in colder weather), a white t-shirt and black plimsoles. Your child will also need a water bottle. Please make sure that your child’s name is on all clothing and belongings.
The logo embossed uniform can be purchased from Speedstich. Other items can be purchased from many high street retailers including supermarkets.
Pre-Loved Uniform
We have a large selection of Pre-Loved uniform that has been kindly donated by our families. Please drop by the Infant School to view our items. You may choose to make a voluntary donation for pre-loved uniform. There are; coats, shoes, plimsolls, jumpers, polo shirts, dresses, skirts, trousers. Please do come and take a look.