Personal, Social and Health Education
Personal, Social and Health Education

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
PHSE is a crucial part of our children’s learning, giving them opportunities to interact positively and feel a sense of belonging. Children recognise, understand and build healthy relationships in a nurturing environment. They gain respect for others and learn about boundaries. It is important to know that relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health.PHSE is a crucial part of our children’s learning, giving them opportunities to interact positively and feel a sense of belonging. Children recognise, understand and build healthy relationships in a nurturing environment. They gain respect for others and learn about boundaries. It is important to know that relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health.
Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
We aim to develop a positive culture around relationships, placing high value and importance on family life, whilst reflecting the different family backgrounds our children come from. We will help the children develop knowledge and understanding of what caring and loving families are. We will model healthy, respectful relationships between adults in school and help the children to understand how having a healthy relationship is important to your mental wellbeing.
We recognise that children are growing up in a world where the internet will be a key part of their lives and brings both benefits and risks, we aim to help children understand how to keep themselves safe and understand what is age-appropriate or not, both on and off-line.
We aim to provide an environment where sensitive, supportive and respectful discussions take place at an age appropriate level.
We aim for the children to develop feelings of self-respect and confidence in themselves. We aim to develop the children’s empathy towards others, understanding that although people and families may be different everybody is entitled to respect.
We recognise that physical and mental health are vitally important and we aim to ensure that children know how to keep themselves healthy including exercise, hygiene, diet and mental health.
Useful Websites
BBC Teach - Moodboosters - Family Moodboosters - videos to get the whole household moving and feeling good
Children’s mental health – Every Mind Matters – NHS ( – Provides NHS-endorsed tips to help parents and carers spot the signs that children may be struggling with their mental health and how to support them; and provides advice that can help maintain good mental wellbeing
Healthier Families – Home – NHS ( – supporting families to stay healthy through diet and exercise.
Thinkuknow – home – resources for children and parents on e-safety.