Medical Information

Ensuring the safety, health and well-bing of our pupils is our priority. On this page, you will find basic information about first aid and medical care. Please see our Medical Policy for more in depth information. If you cannot see the information you are looking for on this page, please contact the school office.

If your child has Asthma, you must complete a medication form at the school office and your child must have an inhaler in school for every day that they are present. An Asthma care plan will be put in place for each child with Asthma in school. Please see our Medical Policy for more information.
Medical needs
If your child has a diagnosed medical condition please ensure that you inform the school office and include this on your child's admission paperwork. An initial meeting may take place to discuss how the school can meet your child's needs and it may be necessary to devise a care plan with the Inclusion Manager to ensure that we are working together with a clear plan of support.
First Aid
If your child has an injury at school, they will be treated by a qualified first aider and appropriate first aid will be administered. This generally involves cleaning any grazes or wounds and may involve applying an ice-pack (please note every injury is unique and the first aid response will be specific to the injury, this is a general example). If the injury requires a medical response, parents will be called to school immediately. In other circumstances, children will stay in school and will be monitored and parents will be advised with an injury advice letter.
Paediatric trained first aiders are always available on site when Early Years Children are present.
All staff receive basic first aid training every three years.
School Nurse Service
The school nurse holds a monthly clinic at our infants site on Beresford Road between 2pm and 3pm. If you would like to discuss your child's health needs with the school nurse, please contact the school office to make an appointment: or 020 8527 1388/9192.
Head Injury

Children who sustain a head injury MUST be reviewed by a First Aider in school. If a child presents with swelling, a significant injury or an adverse reaction, parents will be called and are invited to assess their child personally. With minor head bumps, where there are no residual effects, the child can remain in school whilst being observed. A head injury advice sheet must be completed and sent home and a telephone call will be made to inform parents aswell.
Administration of medication
Should your child need medication during the school day please speak to the office staff. We are authorised to give children medicines but only if it is strictly necessary and prescribed by a doctor for a specific illness or condition and for an identified period of time. If your child needs to be given medicine during the school day a consent form has to be completed and the medicine has to be brought to and collected from the office by an adult. The medicine must be clearly labelled with your child's name, the dosage and date it was prescribed.
How can you help?
Please help us by practising good hygiene with your child.
- Cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, or, cough or sneeze into their elbow (not hands)
- Put used tissues in the bin
- Wash hands with soap and water and dry them thoroughly. How to wash your hands NHS song | NHS - YouTube
Head Lice (commonly known as nits)
If you discover Head lice on your child's hair, please treat them following the advice on the NHS website.
There is no need to keep your child away from school as long as you have started treatment.
Should I keep my child off school?
Please follow the guidance below from the UK Health Security Agency, you can find more information on the NHS website and on
Useful links
NHS: What to do if your child has an accident. This page has helpful information relating to: cuts, bleeding, burns, scalds, choking,