Physical Education
Physical Education
Chapel End intends for all children to leave our Infants and EYC with the skills, confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm for a lifelong interest in physical activity and sport. Physical Education is an essential part of our school curriculum. We ensure that all children are provided with the opportunity to participate in two quality PE lessons each week.
Children learn to develop key skills of throwing, catching, running, spatial awareness, coordination and teamwork. They will know about the importance of physical activity to a healthy lifestyle. They will experience a wide range of sports, games and other physical activities and are encouraged to further pursue those which they are interested in.
At Chapel End, we teach the National Curriculum via the Getset4PE scheme of work which is a unique, child centred PE scheme. The scheme focuses on being inclusive, challenging and supportive of every child. It builds on the development of fundamental physical skills such as agility, balance and co-ordination. Children are given the opportunity to apply these progressive skills in engaging and fun activities. The scheme also focuses on developing essential emotional, social and cognitive skills by developing the ethos of healthy competition and co-operative learning. As a school we are committed to develop every child’s physical and social development that will support them in their future. Through PE, children develop many non-physical skills such as creativity, resilience, perseverance, communication and confidence.
The teaching of the Physical Education Curriculum is implemented by class teachers who also work alongside Sport specialists from Leyton Orient Trust. We are proud to work in partnership with Leyton Orient coaches to develop healthier and happier children who can feel proud in the classroom as well as on the sports field. The Leyton Orient Coach works with classes to develop confidence in our teaching as well as mentoring and supporting teachers and teaching assistants. Leyton Orient Trust support Chapel End to enhance pupils understanding of a healthy lifestyle, and increase pupil confidence, self-esteem & emotional wellbeing.
The PE timetable is rotated termly so that all children receive lessons from our Leyton Orient coach throughout the year.
Physical Education inspires all pupils to succeed and achieve in competitive sport and other physical activities. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness.
We believe that physical activity is essential to a child’s well-being and by the end of KS1, as children prepare for the Junior’s school, Chapel End Infants and EYC aim to
- Foster a love for and enjoyment of being active.
- Develop ‘fitness for life’ through promoting the health benefits of regular exercise.
- Identify skills/talents.
- Develop self-esteem, confidence and social skills.
- Contribute to the physical development of each child.
- Give children a way of expressing themselves and an opportunity to be creative.
- Develop a range of skills that can be applied in other contexts.
- Give children the opportunity to try out activities that they would not otherwise have access to.
Children have the opportunity to develop a range of social experiences by competing and co-operating both within lessons and borough wide competitions through the Waltham Forest School Sports Network.
In KS1 children experience a range of sports competitions such as cross country, Sportshall, football festivals, tennis festivals, tri-golf and Quadkids.
Active Wear
Children should come to school in their Active wear on PE days. Active Wear consists of:
- White t-shirt
- Black shorts or joggers – with no stripes, logos or other colours
- Plain black trainers or plimsolls
Chapel End are proud to provide a range of clubs to enrich children’s enthusiasm for sport. We also provide a coach once a week during lunch time for children to experience a variety of activities.
Throughout the year we offer dance, multisport club, football skills, lego club and construction club. These rotate every term and you can sign up on SchoolPing if you would like to reserve a space.
Physical Education in the Early Years Foundation Stage
We use the statutory document Birth to 5 Matters. Physical Development is one of the three Prime areas of development. Children at the expected level of development by the end of Reception will:.
Gross motor skills are the skills that children develop using their whole body. By using their whole bodies’ children become increasingly confident, agile and flexible. Fine motor skills involve small muscles working to control movements in areas such as the hands and fingers. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.
We provide opportunities for children to meet these goals in weekly PE sessions in Reception and through our indoor and outdoor provision across the EYC.
Take a look here for some fine motor development activities that you can try at home.
More Info
Take a look here to see some ideas for fitness activities to do at home with the children.
Keep an eye on the newsletter to see current activities and events in the local area.
National Curriculum
Click here to view the Programme of Study for Physical Education