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Educational jargon glossary


Common questions

What are INSET days?  INSET stands for In Service Training. All schools in England have five days every year when they are closed to pupils to allow for staff training. They are an important part of staff training and development, ensuring that staff stay up to date with latest developments.

What is the Foundation stage?  The Foundation Stage is Nursery and Reception.

What are Key Stage 1 and 2 (KS1 and KS2)?  Key Stage 1 is Years 1 and 2. Key Stage 2 is Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

What is the national curriculum?   The national curriculum outlines what all children should be taught in each Key Stage.

What are national curriculum levels?  We no longer use national curriculum levels as these were withdrawn by the Department of Education.

What are SATs?  They are Statutory Assessment Tasks. These are national tasks / tests which are used to assess all children at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6). The SAT results give a ‘snapshot’ of children’s attainment; in other words how they achieved in particular tasks or tests taken on a specific day / week.

What  is Teacher Assessment? This is the teachers’ judgement about a child's attainment according to national curriculum end of year expectations. This judgement will be made based on evidence gathered over a period of time and from a range of pieces of work, together with test results.

Who are governors? Members of a school's Governing Body who have responsibility for raising school standards through key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring & evaluating school performance.

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