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How to apply for a Primary school place

The brochure  Starting Primary School 2025 contains all the information you need to know about applying for a reception class place.   

The best way to apply is online, through the eAdmissions website. This is a secure way to apply for your child’s school place.

The eAdmissions website opens on 1 September 2024.  The closing date is 15 January 2025.  If you apply after this date, your application will be considered as late.

You can download a guide explaining how to apply for your child’s school place online (140KB PDF).

There are FAQs and guidance sheets to help you complete your online application on the eAdmissions website. If you are having a technical problem completing your application please email support@eadmissions.org.uk.

If you are unable to apply online you can download the primary common application form. Instructions for how to submit your paper application are on the back of the application form.



Applying for a Reception place for September 2025

Waltham Forest is our Admission Authority, please see their Admissions Arrangements below. 

Deferred Entry & Part-time Reception Places

A child reaches compulsory school age the term after their 5th birthday. Some parents will feel their child is simply not ready to start school in the September following their fourth birthday and there is flexibility in the admissions code to allow for this.

Parents can request that:

  1. Their child attends part-time until they reach compulsory school age. This must be requested directly with the school once a school place has been offered.
  2. The date their child is admitted is deferred until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age and not beyond the beginning of the final term of the school year for which it was made.
  3. For summer born children, their child is admitted outside of their normal age group. See next section for more details on the process.

Children Being Educated Outside Their Normal Age Group

Waltham Forest’s policy is that in general, children should be educated in their normal age group, with the curriculum differentiated as appropriate, and that they should only be educated out of their normal age group in very limited circumstances.

Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group, for example, if the child has experienced problems such as ill health.

It is the parent’s responsibility to provide any supporting evidence they wish to be considered in respect of their application.

A decision will be made on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned.  This will include taking account of the parent’s views; information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development; where relevant their medical history and the views of a medical professional; whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group; and whether they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely.  The views of the head teacher of the school(s) concerned must also be taken into account.

The governing body of schools responsible for their own admissions (academies, voluntary-aided, foundation and free schools) is ultimately responsible for making this decision for applications made to their school.

The internal management and organisation of a school, including the placement of pupils in classes, is a matter for the Headteacher and senior leadership of individual schools.

There is no guarantee that an application will be accepted. If the application is not accepted this does not constitute a refusal of a school place and there is no right to an independent statutory appeal. Similarly, there is no right of appeal for a place in a specific year group at the school.

Transfer to Chapel End Junior Academy

Most of our children transfer to Chapel End Junior Academy and the two schools work closely together to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. A transition programme involving visits to the Junior Academy takes place in the summer term. Discussions take place in order that staff fully understand the academic progress and individual needs of the children. Parents of year 2 children are also invited to visit the Academy during the summer term. Parents can make an application via the eAdmissions website. Chapel End Junior Academy will be happy to provide more information about their school: take a look at their website.

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