FAQ and Useful Information
How will I know if school is open or closed due to adverse weather conditions/snow?
All decisions regarding closure will be made in the morning and all parents will receive a notification on the school app (SchoolPing) by 7:15am. Information will also be updated on the school website, local authority website and on our twitter feed @chapelendinfant.

What should I do if my child will be late for school?
Please bring your child to the offices at either site and ensure that you give your child’s name and class at the counter to ensure that your child has their mark for the day. If you will be more than 30 mins late, please telephone the school office to advise them. If your child is going to be late, and requires a school meal, you must let school know by 9:30am otherwise you will have to provide a packed lunch.

What should I do about appointments during the school day?
In order to minimise disruption please try and make GP, dental and other appointments outside of school time. If this is unavoidable, then please ensure that you inform us of any appointments your child will be attending. You will be expected to provide an appointment card for any appointments your child may need to attend. If your child attends an appointment during the day they will not be able to be admitted back into school during their lunch hour.

Can parents help in school as volunteers?
Yes! We value your help enormously. Parents regularly help in all Key Stages. We find that volunteering works best if you do not help in your own child’s class and also if you can help on a regular basis. We also ask for help with trips and school events. Please give your name to the office.

How will I know what is going on at school?
A newletter is sent to parents with information about upcoming events and how to get involved. Previous newsletters can be found here.
The calendar on our website is also a source of up to date information and is linked to our school app. Our school has a twitter account @chapelendinfant which tweets school and local community information, events and updates.
Parents are also sent app messages as reminders of key dates and events. Please make sure the school office has an up to date mobile phone number and email address for you.
Our school app is free to download on IOS and android GooglePlay stores. The app sends out reminders of events and dates in school and provides parents and carers with important information which is updated on a regular basis.
Where do I collect my child/ren from at the end of the day?
For Reception, school finishes at 3:00pm - 3:15pm at the Early Years Centre - parents of Reception, should wait for children outside Daisy Class side gate or for Bluebell class, the main entrance. Nursery and Willow finish at 3:45pm. Children should be collected from the gate outside their classroom.
For Years 1 and 2, school finishes between 3.10pm and 3:25pm at the Infant Site - parents should wait for children in the playground outside their classroom.
Children collected late will be taken to the site school office and parents will have to collect their children there.
Will my child/ren have to wear a uniform?
Yes. Our uniform consists of a green jumper or cardigan with the school logo please (see image below), white shirt / polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt / dress. For P.E. children need a P.E. bag and wear black shorts, a white t-shirt and black plimsoles. Your child will also need a water bottle. Please make sure that your child’s name is on all clothing and belongings.
The logo embossed uniform can be purchased from Speedstich.
Other items can be purchased from many high street retailers including supermarkets.
What do I do if my child is absent?
If your child is absent you must phone the school before 9:30am.
All absences will be followed up by the school. All children should achieve at least 95% attendance and punctuality. Our school target is 96%. Holidays will not be authorised during term time.

At what age will my child start in primary school?
All children start Reception in September after their fourth birthday.

How do I apply for a school place?
Please view admissions key information on our website, click here for further information.

Is my child entitled to free school dinners?
Children whose parents receive the following support payments are entitled to receive free school meals:
Income Support;
Income Based Jobseekers Allowance;
Support under VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
Child Tax Credit - provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and annual income does not exceed £14,495;
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.
Click here for further information.

How will I know how my child is doing at school?
In the Autumn Term a Parents' Evening enables parents to meet their child’s new teacher to discuss how their child is settling to work in their new class and their academic progress. In the Spring term, parents are invited into school to discuss their child’s academic progress. In the Summer Term every child will receive a written report of his/her year’s work along with the results of any statutory assessments. Parents will be given the opportunity to discuss this report towards the end of the Summer term.
When do we get our child's report?
School reports are issued annually to all the children at the end of the school year (July).
Can I park in the car park?
Both site car parks have limited spaces and are for staff only. If you are a visitor to our school, please communicate with the school office.
How should my child search for lost property?
For general items, your child needs to first speak to the class teacher and check the classroom coat pegs. Unclaimed items are kept in a box in each year group. Please ensure all clothing is marked with your child’s name.
Parent view
Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about your child’s school.
Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. A screencast demonstrating how to register and complete a survey on Parent View is available on the How to use Parent View page. By sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about your child's school. Or, if you want to, view the results for any school in England.