Achievement, Attainment and Assessment

Statutory Assessment information
Statutory Assessments take place;
- at the end of the Reception year (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile);
- at the end of Year 1 (Phonics Screening Check) and;
- at the end of Year 2 (Phonics Screening Check re-check).
KS1 SAT's are non statutory. See below for our statutory results:
Key Stage | Assessment | % of pupils achieving |
Early Years Foundation Stage | Profile 2024 | 70% |
KS1 | Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 2024 | 74.6% |
KS1 | Year 2 Phonics Screening Re-check 2024 | 91% |
How do we assess pupils?
We follow the National Curriculum 2014 in Key Stage 1 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework 2023 in Nursery and Reception. We use these documents in respect of age related expectations and end of year outcomes.
How will we achieve this?
- We carry out the Reception Baseline Assessment during the Autumn term in Reception.
- We monitor and assess pupil progress through our own internal assessment and moderation processes as well as statutory assessments which are; Reception baseline assessment and the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. KS1 statutory tests are no longer required.
- Two members of staff are trained as Local Authority moderators and lead our internal assessment, in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
- We also monitor and assess our pupil’s progress through school to school moderation with a number of primary schools in the local area, including the schools in our soft federation.
- We use the outcomes of the assessments to summarise and analyse attainment and progress for our pupils and classes.
- Assessment data is used to plan the learning for every pupil in order to ensure they meet or exceed expectations.
- Teachers and leaders analyse the data across the school to ensure that pupils identified as vulnerable, more able or at particular risk are making appropriate progress and that all pupils are suitably challenged.
- The information from assessment is communicated to parents and pupils during parent’s evenings and via the pupil’s end of year report.
- The assessment information for Year 2 is also reported to Chapel End Junior Academy, as part of our transition process.
Additional Information for Parents