Mental health and well-being
Book Trust - Picture books to help you talk about tough topics
Reading together is a wonderful way to support your child’s mental health, even when they’re young. Sharing picture books and talking about the words and images you see can help you to gently introduce topics which might seem tricky to talk about at first. It also provides an opportunity to spend special one-on-one time with your child where they feel supported and listened to. In this list you’ll find book suggestions covering a wide range of emotions and experiences including anxiety, sadness, loss and worry about starting school. Click here to view the list. You can find more about how shared reading can support your child’s emotional wellbeing on our Time to Read page

Anna Freud
We’re transforming mental health by working with infants, children, young people and their families, their communities and professionals to deliver timely evidence-based support for all. Advice and guidance for parents and carers to help them support a child or young person experiencing poor mental health or wellbeing. Click here for further details.

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) delivered by East London NHS Foundation Trust is part of a wider network of services that offer help and support to children and young people who have mental health difficulties and their families/carers. We provide a service for children and young people up to 18 years old. Click here for further details.
The Child and Family Consultation Service (CFCS) are Waltham Forest's area based specialist mental health team providing support to children, young people and their families. Our service is available to families with children & young people from birth to their 18th birthday. Our service offers help to children and young people who are experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. We help thousands of children and young people every year who have been in a similar situation to you.
We are here to help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to us if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors.
If you are in immediate danger please call the police on 999 straight away. Please also tell an adult you trust who will be able to help you.

Child Line
Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. We’re here for you online, on the phone, anytime.
Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night. You can talk to us:
- by calling 0800 1111
- by email
- through 1-2-1 counsellor chat

Every Mind Matters
We all have mental health, and life is full of ups and downs for us all. Here you will find expert advice, practical tips, and plenty of help and support if you're stressed, anxious, low or struggling to sleep.
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, so discover what works for you. Click here for further details.

Mental Health Foundation
Prevention is at the heart of what we do. Our knowledge, informed by rigorous research and practical based study, has been pioneering change for more than 70 years and we aren't afraid to challenge the status quo or tackle difficult or under researched issues. Click here for further details.

Refuge supports women and children who experience all forms of violence and abuse, including domestic violence, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, so-called ‘honour’-based violence, and human trafficking and modern slavery. Click here for futher details.
We are a pioneering domestic abuse organisation developing safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims and young people who use violence. Leading the development of safe, effective work with perpetrators, male victims and young people using violence and abuse. Click here for further details.

If you need someone to talk to, we listen. We won't judge or tell you what to do. Call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan or view other ways to get in touch

How Shout 85258 works
Our trained volunteers are there for you 24/7 to listen and support you to get to a calmer and safe place. Shout is a free, confidential, anonymous service for anyone in the UK. It won’t appear on your phone bill.
To start a conversation, text the word 'SHOUT' to 85258.
If your life is at imminent risk, call the emergency services on 999. Click here for further details.

Solace Advocacy & Support Service provides support to survivors of domestic abuse in Waltham Forest. With an allocated Advocate, they will provide practical and emotional support, information, advocacy and specialist services to increase safety and meet a range of needs - these can include ongoing safety concerns, emotional or housing support, legal options, reporting to the police, help around child contact, benefits and financial advice. Click here for further details.
I need help now - 0808 802 5565

Women's aid
We’re working together against domestic abuse until women and children are safe. Women’s Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services in England and build a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated. Click here for further details.
When you contact us, we promise we will:
- Never judge you or what you say
- Always have a fully trained female support worker available
- Give you space to explore your options
- Support you to make safe choices for you and your children
- Keep everything you tell us confidential

Place2Be - Parenting smart
Parenting advice from our child mental health experts. Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour. Click here for further details.

Further help and support
If you need to talk to someone...
If you want to access support over the phone, you can call:
The Mix, free information and support for under 25s in the UK – 0808 808 4994
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428 (run by Galop)
Rights of Women advice lines, there are a range of services available
CAMHS Glossary. Find out more about the different people you may work with at CAMHS, and what their titles mean. Click here for further details.
Youth Wellbeing Directory. Whether you're a young person, looking for help for yourself or someone you know, or whether you're a teacher trying to help a student find support, the Youth Wellbeing Directory provides a list of free local and national organisations for anyone up to the age of 25, along with important information you may find helpful. Click here for further details.