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The Key Stage 1 Curriculum

Below are Overviews of each of the topics taught in Year 1 and Year 2 so far this year.

Topics are selected to maximise curriculum coverage across the Key Stage and are reviewed as part of the Curriculum Action Plan. Content and coverage is delivered through a platform called Curriculum Maestro, which allows teachers to plan and deliver interesting sessions by creating bespoke lessons for individual students or classes. 

Year 1

Year 2

Key Stage 1: Subject Specific Intent and Implementation

Take a look here to view our EYFS curriculum information.

Remote Learning

 On very rare occasions, it may be necessary for the school to provide remote learning for individuals, groups or the whole school. Remote learning information will be emailed to parents, so please make sure your email address is correct. Information will also be provided by Google Classrooms, Reading Eggs, Busy Things and via our website.

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