School News Feed
- Newsletter14 May 2024NewsletterDear Parents/Carers, Please find attached the newsletter. Please accept our apologies for the delay in sending this across to you. Kind regards, Janice Chaplin Headteacher
- Newsletter26 April 2024NewsletterGood afternoon, Please find the newsletter attached. Have a good weekend.
- Newsletter28 March 2024NewsletterDear Parents/Carers, Please find attached, the Newsletter. Have a lovely holiday. We look forward to seeing you when we return on Tuesday 16th April. From the Chapel End Team.
- Newsletter9 February 2024NewsletterDear Parents/Carers, Please find the newsletter attached. Kind regards Janice Chaplin Headteacher
- Newsletter29 January 2024Newsletter - correctionDear Parents/Carers, Earlier today the newsletter was sent, which included an error on the term dates for 2024-2025. Please disregard this mornings newsletter. An updated version of the newsletter is attached. The term dates for 2024-2025 will be resent following the next governing body meeting in March. We apologise for any confusion this may have caused. Kind regards, Janice Chaplin Headteacher